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Thriller Programmes


There are a lot of programmes that use thriller techniques to sustain the audience attention. Programmes such as Breaking Bad,The Wire and True Detective use the techniques.

The techniques that these programmes use are twists in the plot, red herrings and cliff hangers. The use of these techniques excite the audience and always keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. They also keep the audience thinking. This is important because all thrillers should give excitement and should always give the audience the thrill that they want.


Breaking Bad is a perfect example of a thriller programme because it uses suspense and tension very well as the audience are guessing what is going to happen next and the plots in the programme leave the audience thinking. This leaves the audience wanting to know what is going to happen next which leaves them gripped to the series. The Breaking Bad series also contains sub conventions of thriller movies such as crime and mystery. It also has a lot of violence, crime and murder which you would expect to be in thriller shows/movies.


These programmes all use audience misdirection very well as they make the audience think one thing but really they are just leading them on and the unexpected thing happens or is revealed.

They use audience concealment in all of these shows so the audience is guessing and is intrigued into the things the show does not want to reveal.


All of these Techniques help successfully  sustain the audience attention because the audience is always made to work and is left with the feeling of excitement. They make the audience excited to watch the next episode.







By Lyall Young

Reasearching various thriller programmes enabled me to understand how elements of the thrilelr genre can still be implemented into TV and be suitatible for audiences of a wide range. I also learned that most thrillers on TV seem to fit the crime or mystery genre and horror thrillers are less prevalent on TV than on movies. I will take ideas from these shows to incorporate into our own thriller opening.                                                                     

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