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Case Study of Influential Thriller Directors 

Quentin Tarintino (By Lyall Young)

Sir Alfred Hitchcock (By Franklin Kwawu)

Sir Alfred Hithcock (13th August 1899 - 29th April 1980) was an English film director and producer who pioneered numerous techniques and styles that are now considered codes and conventions in standard thriller films. Hitchcock has been recognised as the pioneer of psychological thrillers and even famously known as 'The Master of Suspense.' He began his career in silent film in Britain but eventually proceeded to direct in the relatively new 'Hollywood' in Los Angeles, despite this he is still regarded as Britain's finest director of all time


Hitchcock has become recognised for his distinct directorial style. His use of trademarks in all of his movies (such as particular camera movments to show the actors viewpoint) or voyeurism, have become distinct features in many of his films. His use of framed shots also increased the fear factor and thrilling aspect of many of his films. Plot twists and cliffhangers are also notable features of Hitchcocks movies as they enhanced the thrill and plots of many of his movies that included themes of murder and crime. He also used them to throw the audience off of certain characters (red herring). Pyschoanalysis were also major themes in Hitchcocks movies as his films would explore the personality and actions of characters and make the audience ask questions and engrossed in his stories. He directed over fifty films in his career spanning over 60 years.

He was named by MovieMaker magazine in 2002 as the most influential filmmaker of all time.


Some of his key films include:








Quentin Tarantino is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. His

films are characterized by non-linear storylines, satirical subject matter, and an 

aestheticization of violence, as well as features of neo-noir film. There are loads of iconic thriller movies that have been made throughout the years .

The success of the movies normally give their credit to the actors and the directors don’t get 

enough of the credit for the success.


Quentin Tarantino is a director who is a very influential in this generation because he is 

very well accomplished director with 2 Oscars to his name. The first film Quentin Tarantino made was “Reservoir Dogs” . This film made 2.8 million dollars this was his first  crime thriller which made him make his mark in the thriller industry. Another very successful movie that Quentin Tarantino directed was the more recent “Django Unchained”. This movie won Quentin Tarantino an Oscar. A lot of people admire his work and appreciate what he has done for the thriller genre. One of Quentin Tarantino’s well known films that is very popular is Pulp Fiction, a black comedy crime film that became a major critical and commercial success and  judged the greatest film of the past 25 years which featured stars such as John Travolta and Samuel Jackson which grossed over 200 million US dollars. Django Unchained is Quentin Tarantino most successful film grossing over 400 million US dollars. This movie was based on a black slave trying to save his wife from slavery but having take enemies down in order to get to her. The movie featured elite actors such as Jamie Foxx and Leonardo Dicaprio who also  contributed to the movies success. This movie won awards at the BAFTA’s,  Academy Awards and Golden Globe Awards. Quentin Tarantino’s next project to be released in the box office is “The hateful eight”  The movie will be released on the 25th of December 2015 and it features headline actors such as Samuel Jackson and Kurt Russell.


































































Wes Craven (Khadeem Robinson)


Wes craven was an American film director, writer, producer and actor known for his horror films and making the slasher genre known. He is best known for the nightmare on elm street franchise and the scream franchise where he turned horror films into one of the most watched film genre to date. He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio raised in a strict Christian household and wasn’t aloud to watch many movies due to his parents religious beliefs.


Wes Craven has been referred to as the master of horror for redefining the genre with Nightmare on Elm Street and the successful teen slasher film known as scream.Cravens work often has a common exploration of the nature of reality for example nightmare on elm street shows the effect dreams can have on real life as it is based on the idea that if you die in a dream you die in real life.Also in the Scream franchise characters often refer to horror films depending on their scenario.  


Throughout his lifetime he has won numerous awards such as the Saturn award.During the 1977 Sitges Film Festival he won the critic’s award for his film The hills have eyes.  At the 1997 Gérardmer Film Festival he was given the grand prize for Scream. He has also won the lifetime achievement award at the New York City horror film festival in 2012.


Researching key pioneers of the thriller genre in the film industry enabled our group to appreciate good works of art and also gain plot ideas for our two minute thriller opening and ways in which we can create an effective opening for our assessment. The directors studied all have / had their own individual styles and were able to capitvate audiences despite having different ways of going around it. We hope to gain insight from this and create our own style that can be used to create a highly effective opening.
Franklin, Khadeem and Lyall 

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