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Location and Setting Justification

The duration of the opening takes place outside of this school (Holy Family Catholic School Wiseman site). Some scenes are taken inside and we chose this as our main character is a student and this means it was appropriate to shoot the movie inside a school. It was also accessible as we are there during most of the week so it meant we didn't have to ask for permission to shoot on site.

This is the only scene that takes place inside the school and it is the POV scene where the student's hacking ability is shown onscreen. We used this room as it was easy to access (it was nearby our media studies classroom) and we could adjust the lighting for the desired effect as shown here. This made it perfect for shooting this particular scene which we needed certain conditions to get perfect. 

This is just outside the school, but it is the path to a long alleyway that leads to a nearby church. The path has trees and bushes and is quite narrow and we thought it was perfect for our chase scene as the narrow pathway and easy access with no other people nearby made it easy to film the final scene of the opening with great effect. The narrow path enhanced the thrilling aspect.

The extende part of the alleyway. The same justification applies here as the previous picture.

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