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What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why?

The type of institution that we believe will distribute our film is institutions such as E4,Vimeo and BFI.


The reason why we believe  BFI will help distribute our film is because they help a lot of independent filmmakers distribute their films and they also fund some of the films. We believe that our movie is of a high quality and is suitable for a company such as BFI.

We also believe that our video is of a high standard is suitable for vimeo. Vimeo is a video-sharing website in which users can upload, share and view videos..We believe that our video is good enough to be shared with the public and with other short filmmakers as we would like feedback and also look at the other short films to see what we can improve upon.


The reason why our movie would be released is because we want to show the public what we have managed to do without funding and the top tier equipment and show them how you can be creative and produce something to a high quality. We believe that E4 is a major distributor and believe that E4 will help distribute our product. Although E4 is a subsidiary channel to channel 4 we still believe that channel 4 would back 34 in distributing our product. On the Channel 4/E4 website they have a wide range of short films and short informational videos about a wide variety of topics and we believe that we can get onto their website with our short film.


Our plan is to release our movie on the internet only because there are lots of free websites that we can release our movie on with no charge such as youtube and vimeo. The reason why we did not want to release it on TV is because that is a very costly way of letting the public view our film and we also would have to get major distributors to get it on TV.


The reason why our movie would be released is because we want to show the public what we have managed to do without funding and the top tier equipment and show them how you can be creative and produce something to a high quality.We want to put our film on vimeo and see if a company believes our plot and story is good enough to be turned into a full movie. We wanted the response from the public about our film to be like the short film “The garden” this short film was released on vimeo and a few days later a company associated with warners bros believed that this plot and storyline had potential and they began to franchise it and create the real film. This is our goal and dream as we would love our film to be viral and big time.


We believe that our movie can be big but we are not going to punch above our weight and go to the big hollywood institutions because we do not believe they will help distribute our movie and we also just want to focus on the UK FIlm market at this very moment. Although we believe our fim is to a high quality and standard we still do not believe that it is not on the level of a hollywood film because we did not have the budget and equipment that they have access to.


During this task i had to answer the evaluation question which was  "What Kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

By Lyall Young

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