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Certification rating and BBFC



The BBFC is the British Board of film certification and is the organisation responsible for rating videos, films, dvds and video games to inform people on who it is suitable for within the United Kingdom. They were founded in 1912 by members of the film industry who wanted to rate and decide who their films were suitable instead of the government. The purpose of the BBFC is to prevent young viewers being exposed to inappropriate and indecent material.


We need to take into account the age of the viewers as it will have an impact on the content that it suitable for our opening. Since the BBFC was founded there has been many changes in the rating categories  for example they are more restrictions in place preventing people below the age requirement viewing a film. Such as if someone was going to the cinema to watch a 15 or 18 rated film a valid form of ID such as a passport, drivers license, student ID card etc would have to be presented to be allowed to watch the film.


If a films rating is U this means that the film Universal and should be suitable for children four years and over and should not include any violence, bad language, drugs and alcohol, no sexaul content only mild sexual behaviour for example kissing and hugging and no dangerous behaviour which children are likely to imitate.


If the films rating PG this means that unaccompanied children of any age could view alone. A PG film should not unnerve a child aged 8 and over But parents have to be aware whether or not the material would discomfort their child. Drugs may be referred to but only in an anti-drug message, sexual activity may be implied but must be discreet. There should be no dangerous behaviour which young children are likely to imitate.


If a film is 12/12A this means that the Video release is suitable for 12 years and over and shouldn't be scene by people under the age of 12 unless accompanied by an adult who in their judgement feel that the the child is mature to view the film. Misuse of drugs should could be used but should not be frequent. Moderate level physical harm is acceptable as long as it is not frequent. Dangerous behaviour should not be made to appear harmless. Nudity and sexual content needs to be brief and discreet. Injuries and blood and gore should not be emphasized but are accepted if related to the context.


If a film rating is 15 this means that the film is suitable only for 15 years and over. The film is likely to include frequent strong language  as there aren't any restrictions the the language in 15 rated films and sexual activity and nudity would be used but without strong detail. There may also be discriminatory language but it wouldn't be it shouldn't be endorsed.


If a film is 18 No one below the age of 18 should view and 18 film as they include very strong language, very strong violence, strong horror, strong gore, discriminatory behaviour and language and strong and detailed sexual scenes which may include real sex. Strong violence can be shown in with strong detail especially in horror films there can quite a large amount of gory violence


If a film is R18 this a special and legally restricted category for adult films such as pornographic films. They can only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas and in video format from adult only sex stores and cannot be supplied by mail. They are filtered from public searches unless the search options are altered to enable adult content which would often require a date of birth.


                                   (BY Khadeem Robinson)

Examples of rated film posters:

Researching the BBFC ratings made it clear to myself and my group what is and what isnt acceptable in our future short intro to a thriller film. The ratings are extremely clear in what they do and don't allow and this will make it clear to us what details we cannot use once we create our 2 minute opening. The research conducted will be heavily utilised.


Khadeem Robinson

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