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Evaluation Question 1

This is evaluation question 1 and the reason why we did this task is to answer the question which is 

"In what ways does your media product use, develop or challege forms and conentions of real media products

Hi my names lyall and i am a member of rky studios. Today i am here to talk about how our group has developed and challenged forms and conventions of real media products.


The way in which our thriller incorporates the generic conventions of a thriller is through things such as the costumes, the editing and also the music.

In our film we used generic conventions such as making sure the protagonist had  a lot of extreme closes ups and close ups of the protagonist because these are what you would normally see in thriller films to portray the emotion on the characters face. We also had music and enhanced sounds in our film because in all thriller films the music and the enhanced sounds are what gives the audience the feel of suspense and tension. Also in our movie our antagonist is unknown in the beginning which is also a convention of thriller films and the reason why we used this is because it helps create suspense and tension for the audience because as the movie goes on the antagonist’s identity is slowly revealed.


We developed some of our ideas and the conventions of thrillers by using our target audience research results because this helped us understand what the audience wanted to see for example we ended our film on a cliffhanger due to the fact that our target audience research results showed the majority of people wanted to see a cliffhanger as an ending rather than not ending it on a cliffhanger. We also used our target audience research to form our script because we was indecisive about whether we wanted our movie to be realist or unrealistic but our target audience research gave us a great push in the realistic direction because almost everyone prefered realistic scenarios.

We also challenged the ideas that there has to be a clear display of binary oppositions. This is because although in our film you can see who is good and evil it’s not your typical evil and good this is because we do not show a person doing an evil or good act but we have some indications on who may be  evil and who may be good. This was our plan form the beginning because it then gives us a chance to have a plot twist and also bring suspense to the audience.

We believe our product connects to its sub-genre a little bit but we did not want our movie to be the typical psychological thriller film. We came up with the idea to create a psychological thriller film because our target audience research results clearly showed that most of our audience had more interest and preferred the psychological thriller than any other sub-genre of thriller. Some thrillers have had an influence on our work for example in the movie “scream” the identity of the killer is unknown due to a mask. We wanted to keep one of our characters identity unknown so we used a mask.

By Lyall Young

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