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How did you attract/address your audience?

In our two minute opening to our thriller film ‘Vendetta’ our focus was to aim our film at a specific target audience the one from our audience profile. We did this by aiming our film at a target audience of men between the age of 19 and 32.Once we knew who our target audience were we had to acknowledge what would grab the attention of them and draw them in. The stereotypical interest of men when it comes to films would have action, violence and crime so we tried to include all these aspects but not forget the purpose of the film.


We used our Target audience research to influence the way in which we would attracted our audience as some people aren't aware about how much someone's favourite film genre says about them. For example someone someone who favours horror tend be less colourful and expressive on the other hand if someone likes romances they would be more colourful and friendly. Information like this really helped us make our film more advertisable. We carried out our target audience research by emailing a questionnaire to numerous members of the public to identify what our target audience wanted to see from our thriller film. We sent the email to 30 people and received 14 responses we then transfer our findings into charts and graphs so our results would be easier to read. The questions allowed us to find out what type of ending they preferred and whether or not they like realistic or unrealistic storylines in films.By sticking to these preferences we will be able to engage with our target audience more.


After asking whether the audience prefers realistic or unrealistic thriller films the majority of the audience chose realistic meaning the like films which they could relate to and is down-to-earth.


After asking what type of ending the audience like to see in thriller films the majority of the audience chose cliffhangers so the audience prefers to be caught off guard and left in suspense.


In conclusion we made sure to incorporated the majority of the aspects from our target audience research into our film because it means that we are aware of our audience's wants and needs.


By Khadeem Robinson

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