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Still frame analysis (Franklin Kwawu)

This a still from the latter stages of Chronicle in which the main character (Andrew), played by Dane DeHaan, is crushing a car with his newfound powers. The facial expressions produced by Dane DeHaan shows that his character (Andrew) is visibly disturbed or angry, this is re-inforced by the crushing gesture produced by his hand and the direciton of his gaze which isn't even on the car he seems to be telepathically crushing. The expressions of Andrew and the crushed car will lead a first time viewer of this photo to wonder about how he is able to crush cars with thought and why he is angry. This therefore gives the still an element of suspense (which is a common feature in thriller films) and science fiction which features in this film. 

This next still frame shows another of the main characters (Matt played by Alex Russell) exclaiming at a hollow impact crater he's found in a forest. The surrounding environment is quite dark and forested. This is a typical almost cliché like setting in thriller films which frequently include isolated, dark areas as settings for thriller films (particulary horror-thrillers). The dark tone of this scene suggests that the film could be a horror but it isn't certain as there doesn't seem to be any other indicator other than the fact that the scene is dimmly lit. The fact that Matt is drawing attention to the crater produced by what seems to be a meteorite again suggests that this movie has elements of science fiction as well as thriller elements. The audience may also figure out that the characters will embark on a journey after climbing into this hole.

This final still shows the last main character (Steve played by Micheal B. Jordan) staring at an alien-like, glowing crystal. Again, the mystical and extraterrestial element suggests that this is a scientific thriller. Steve's confused expression already notifies the audience that he is intrigued by the blue, cyrstaline object that is close to his face. The sweat on his face also hints that he is scared. The crystal-like object also has tendrils climbing towards the face of Steve suggesting that it may be alive again showing that this is a sci-fi thriller. Combined with the appearance of the Steve's face and the crystal this still clearly tells the audience the genre of the film.

By Lyall Young

This is a still frame from the movie ‘4got10’. The still frame shows Brian Barnes (Johnny Messner) with a sniper on a wasteland. The sniper that he is holding and scoping down is showing that this man is planning on killing someone. Also the use of the sniper and the suppressor also suggests that this man is maybe a hitman or an assassin as he is trying to kill in silence. The facial expression on Brian Barnes (Johnny Messner) face is a serious and focused look this is suggesting that he does not want to lose concentration and wants to snipe his target. We can tell that this movie is a action adventure thriller due to the sniper he is using and also the exotic location is convention of the action adventure thriller. The walkie talkie also suggests that he is maybe communicating with somebody to tell them that job is done or in the process of  being done.

LargeThis still frame is from the movie ‘Maniac’ This still frame is showing elijah wood holding a knife covered in blood with blood splattered on his face. The knife that he is holding is covered in blood this tells the audience that he has stabbed somebody and also we can tell he is going to stab the person again due to the position of his hand. The fact that he is going to stab the person again even when his knife is covered in blood is implying that this man is a monster. The use of the blood on his face is implying that he has stabbed this person repeatedly and is showing no sign of stopping. The facial expression on his face shows a angry and emotionless man. This implies that he has done this kind of thing before which suggests that this is a psychological thriller as his actions are showing signs that he is a psycho and also the title is called ‘maniac’ which is suggesting what the film is about. Heading

This is a still frame from the movie Star Wars episode II Attack of the Clones. This image is showing the jedi Knights surrounded by droids. The body language of the Jedis is suggesting that the are ready for battle but also they fear for their lives. The lightsabers in their hands and the use of different creatures is telling the audience that the movie is a sci-fi thriller. The dead man on the floor is showing that these jedi’s are in a dangerous situation and their lives are in major threat. The facial expressions and body language on the jedi’s faces show that they are tired which suggests they have been battling for a while and the ratio of the robots to jedi’s suggests that they are outnumbered and has the odds of them winning stacked against them.


STILL FRAME ANALYSIS by Khadeem Robinson

This still frame is from a film called Psycho which was made in 1960 and was directed by Alfred Hitchcock. From this image you can tell that this film has a lot of suspense and tension as this image shows a woman screaming but no cause of her screaming is shown which also be seen as a cliffhanger. Her facial expression indicates that she could be shocked, terrified or scared as it appears that she is feeling fear.This colour is used frequently in thriller films the emphasis the dark a distorted society within the film.


This is a still frame from the film Jurassic park  and the image tells us that the film includes tension and a dramatic build up as you can see that the two people are trying to keep silent to avoid detection which is a very terrifying situation to be placed in. The camera

angle used emphasizes the size difference between the two people and the T-rex as it shows how they are at a disadvantage and the danger they are in.




This is a still frame analysis of the film Fast and the Furiuos 6 and this image straight away creates tension as it has put us on the edge of our seats questioning whether or not he makes the jump or not which creates suspense and grips the audience. It also shows the risk people are willing to take to save their own life.


The importance of still frame anlysis is that it emphasises the importance of each frame in creating  tension and suspense  which are the 2 main features of thrillers. Also it would help us with our 2 min opening as it would show us how much detail and precision required for each frame. 


By Khadeem Robinson

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