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List of Prop: 


  •  Ghost mask

  • Black Hoodie

  • Black gloves 

  • 2 Mobile Phone 

  • Computer 



The props we choose are a collection of dark pieces of clothing alongside two mobile phones and a computer which each play a large role in our film. The mask, hoodie and gloves are used to cloth a mysterious figure who would be portray an unidentified assailant in our film. The identity of this person would be unknown as their face would not be revealed to the audience at anypoint in the film.  We choose the colour black for the items of clothing because this colour is used to represent an absence of colour and creates and idea of mystery and negativity associated with the chraracter. In addition black clothing is also closely associated with the unknown and thats the idea we wanted to create for our unidentified character. The computer would be used to represent the background of the protaginist also  two mobile phones would be used to show a conversation between two characters whose faces would be hidden.


The mise-en scene of our film would be the lighting and sound. We would control these by filming in a controlled enviroment  where we have control of the amount of background noise and the lighting if the enviroment this allows us to create a more realistic scenario and professional scene this would enhance the quality of our production. 



By Khadeem Robinson





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