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Textual Analysis of Opening Sequence

The day after tomorrow.


The opening 2 minutes of the day after tomorrow on the whole suggests and gives the audience an idea of what the remainder of the movie is going to be about as we see that the ice has split and the men are stranded on one side of the ice. The opening two minutes of the day after tomorrow also leaves the audience asking questions such as what are they going to do now and how do they plan on surviving and getting home when the ice is cracked.  This shows conventions of a thriller movie as the audience is left in suspense and questioning what’s going to happen next.


We can tell that the character types of the 3 men at the start through their costume and the location they are in. We can see that these men are doing a study to do with the artic and we can also tell that the work they were doing was valuable and important due to the fact that one of the men risked their life to get the work.

We can also see that the rest of the films themes will be isolation and panic because the 3 men look like they are stuck on one side of the ice which will give the characters a feeling of panic.


The location the film is set in is the artic this is suggesting that the movie may be an adventure movie as the setting is isolated and also very big.

The High Angle camera shots in the opening sequence is effective and used because as the ice is falling we have a high angle camera shot to show us how deep the drop is in the ice and also it gives us more of a feeling of how the characters are feeling, it also adds more drama and excitement for audience.

The low camera shot of him hanging on is used so we can see the danger he is in and also see the emotion of panic and fear on his face.


The extreme long shots are used so we are able to establish the setting. At the start of the movie we see extreme long shots of the artic this is so we can see the setting and also the extreme long shot shows how big the are setting is and how small the 3 men and their equipment are on this land. This suggests that they in the middle of nowhere and this suggests that  something bad will take place which will leave the men stranded on this setting.

Also the extreme long shot at the end of the opening sequence is very effective because we are able to see how big the crack is and how just how stuck they really are.


The use of the shot reverse shots are effective as we are able to see the worry and panic on all 3 characters faces. It also adds more drama to the action as the editing in the action is so fast paced. Also the shot reverse shot in the opening sequence is effective because we it is used for dialogue and throughout the opening sequence there is a lot of shouting and panic.

The non diagetic background music is effective because it adds more effect to the movie because it builds up more suspense and also makes it more intense for the audience. Also throughout the opening sequence there is some diagetic sound like the wind. The wind is very loud throughout the opening sequence.


The title appears on the screen before everything else this shows that they want the audience to know the movie. After the title the main actors appear one by one this is showing that the actors are the most important people in this movie. After the actors the supporting cast appear. This means they are not as important as the actors and finally the director appears on the screen. Throughout the names and titles the background is a camera roaming over the artic this is used so the audience can establish the setting. Also the music used in the background fits in with the setting and also the roaming of the camera. the music helps to build the scene up.


By Lyall Young 





















Textual analysis of the intro of The Bourne Identity



The beginning of TBI begins with a dark scene over stormy waters (an example of pathetic fallacy). The dark scene and stormy weather is already a direct indicator to the audience that something bad is about the happen. In this case, fishermen on a seaboat find the seemingly dead Jason Bourne floating in the water. The audience at this point will already be asking questions about how and why Bourne ended up that way. Next a doctor on a boat reveals that Bourne has been shot several times and removes the bullets embedded in his back. At this point the audience will now have one of their questions answered, but will still be asking how he was shot. This leaves an element of mystery as Bourne wakes up with amnesia and cannot remember anything about his past life.  The doctor proceeds to recover several of Bourne’s belongings that he was carrying with him such as a laser pen etc. The opening ends with Bourne subduing the doctor as he suddenly awakes from his supposed death. Again there is a sense of mystery and Bourne seems to show some skill in fighting and the audience will wonder how this came to be and may also begin to realise that he is a spy or governmental agent of some sort as he is in possession of a laser pen with the location of a Swiss bank on it. All of these elements are clear indicators that this is a very thrilling thriller film.


By Franklin kwawu 






























Textual analysis of the opening to the Dark knight Rises


The opening 2 minutes of this film doesn't tell the viewer much as it opens with memorial service of a political figure then cuts to kidnap scene which makes the audience think are these scenes related  and how. Also the opening titles have a dark and metallic font which the background music sounding very apocalyptic and as if their is a storm which may imply dark times ahead and that something bad is going to happen. During the kidnap scene a group mercenaries are taking a group of hostages on a plane they all have bags covering their heads. Whilst on the plane they are interrogated and asked who is Bane then one of the hostages reveals himself to be Bane who is then rescued by his henchmen. In addition the background music helps build tension within the film as indicates to the viewers that there is going to be a confrontation. The opening concludes with Bane and his henchmen being the only survivors of the attack. Which leaves the audience wondering how the rest of the film is going to pan out. However in the opening their is know mention or reference to the main antagonist of the film.


. By Khadeem Robinson


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